Masker Mata Golden Crystal Collagen
Rp. 200.000 / lusin
tempelkan di bag bawah mata, biarkan mengering, angkat n buang
Manfaat :
1. Mengurangi lingkaran hitam di bawah mata, sekali pakai sudah terlihat hasilnya.
2. Mengurangi kantong mata.
3. Melembabkan kulit sekitar mata.
4. Anti-wrinkle dan mengurangi keriput halus di mata
5. Mengencangkan kulit sekitar mata
tempelkan di bag bawah mata, biarkan mengering, angkat n buang
Cara pakai :
1. Bersihkan daerah yg mau ditempelin masker.
2. Tempel masker seperti pd gambar.
3. Bs dipakai 30 menit - 1 jam sampai maskernya kempes yg berarti kandungan nutrisi & kolagennya sdh menyerap ke dlm kulit.
Atau jg bs digunakan semalaman ( jangan lebih dari 12 jam ).
- Whitening & Moisturing & Anti-Wrinkle & Oil-control & Pore Reducer & Hydrating
An innovative sheet-form transparent facial mask composed mainly of ingredients including pure natural extracts and collagen.
The one-way absorption rate of this product is higher than 98% which means that theamount of nutrients and moisture it offersis 10 times more than that of ordinary facial masks.
In only 30 minutes, the ingredients condensed on this crystal mask will be gradually dissolved under body temperature and be absorbed directly by skin cells through expanded pores, providing supplementray elements such as collagen, whitening essence, moisturizing factor and different kinds of vitamins.
Such ingredients are effective in instant an immediate soft and moisturized appearance with elasticity-four functions at the same time.
Able to relieve and moderate sunburns caused by the sunbathing and laser freatment, complete and intensive facial care in a single mask.
Best Silk Crystal Facial Mask are specially pre-moistened with phyto-collagen.
Pore Moisturizing & Moisturizing & Lost Collagen Replenish exclusively by bio-fermentation technology whch has been proved to its pover of collagen replenishment, deep mositurizing and wrinkle smoothing.
Water, Glycerin, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Sodium Polyarylate, Tartariacid, Grape Seed Oil, Retinyl Plamitate, Tocophbryl Acetate, BHT, Methylparaben, Fragaben, Fragrance, Phyto-Collagen, Aloe Vera , Green Tea, Plum Extract.